Maggie's Story...
Jenning and I met in  the summer of 2007 at Alan's  (who will be marrying my twin Barbara 2 days before our wedding) family cottage.  I had just finished the first year of the masters program when Barbara invited Jean (my other sister) and myself, last-minute for a cottage weekend.   I had gone there the previous year and had fun.  Alan had invited a bunch of his motorcycle friends for the weekend and when we got there, Jenning stood out because he was surprisingly only 1 of 3 indiviudals who actually rode out with his motorcycle.   He really got my attention because of the amount of food he was able to eat during the weekend.  I remember thinking that he was friendly, cute and funny.  He was also super patient, while teaching me to throw a frisbee and a gentleman by helping my sisters and I pack up our stuff into the car.  I was disappointed that the weekend was coming to the end. 

After the trip, Jean & Barbara asked me if I was interested in anyone and I named "Jenn-Ing", and Jean said, "Yeah, I could tell".  I thought it was a Chinese name, I didn't know at the time that his name was like 'Peter Jennings' without the 's', so his unique name was another reason why he stood out to me.  Barbara, who was super excited to be a match maker, invited me to our friend Wendy's birthday the following weekend, because she knew that Jenning would attend his "cousin's" party.  She sneakily somehow got us sitting in the same area and we casually exchanged our contact info.  After the party, Jenning had to go to Europe for a couple of weeks and while he was there, we chatted quite a bit online and he asked me out to the CNE once he returned.  On our first date, he picked me up and took me to our friend Cora & Jeremy's post-wedding dim-sum brunch (only Jenning could pull this off as a first date!), then to the CNE for the rest of the day.  We seemed to click really well and have been inseperable since.  We both knew very early on that we would end up getting married to each other.  The both of us really wanted to go to Hawaii for our Honeymoon, when we learned that Barbara and Alan wanted to get married in Hawaii, we also got on board.

And so it Begins..
Jenning says..
I had known Alan for a couple of years, ever since I got my motorcycle. Back then in 2007, I had a lot of time on my hands so when Alan invited me and our group of posers riders out to his family cottage for the long weekend, I figured that it would be nice to be able to get out of the city and ride out in the country for a bit. Ironically enough, of the dozen or so riders in our group that did go to the cottage, only three of us rode.

Alan's girlfriend (now fiancée) Barb had invited a couple of her sisters to come to the cottage as well. I noticed that one of her sisters was kinda cute, and while Barb was mentioning that this was her twin sister (although they did not look alike) she added,

"..and she's single!"

Which at the time I did not really clue in to since I had just met these people.

So we got to talking, and we had a lot of interesting conversations together, and while we were watching the movies that night ("The Simpsons" and "Transformers"), I tried to sit next to her, which worked for "The Simpsons" but she moved for "Transformers". =(

We spent some more time together throwing the disc around before they left the cottage, at which point I figured that I probably would never see her again. So I was a little surprised to see her the next weekend at Wendy's birthday dinner!

It seemed kinda fishy, but it was happy to see her again and we exchanged numbers before I left for hockey. Since I had my trip to London and Copenhagen right after, I would not get to see Maggie again for a few weeks. During my trip, we e-mailed each other a lot, and I figured that we can go down to the CNE and watch the Air Show. Due to time constraints, we set the date to the day after a wedding I was attending, which was the day after I got back from my trip. Pretty tight. I do not recall if I knew about the post-wedding brunch, but it all worked out. Maggie got to meet Cora and Jeremy, and even met John! (So Maggie and I have been together as long as Cora and Jeremy have been married!)

The day went by quickly and we both had a lot of fun. I was pretty sure at that point that I would be spending a lot of time with this girl from then on..